Dec 14, 2018

We are all legacy code - Part 8

In Part 7 we finished up our final coding task which was to restrict registrations. So now it’s pay-off time where we get to see our hard work in action. We need to run through some final testing and then we can deploy our changes to production!

Today’s objective

Our objective today is to deploy our changes to production. We have some testing to accomplish first in order to ensure everything goes smoothly. So our tasks for today are:

  • Deploy the current production version of our code to a Heroku test instance.
  • Export our current production data and import it to our test instance. This way we’ll be performing our final testing against real data and a true exact copy of our production instance.
  • Perform a few quick tests on our test instance to make sure it is working.
  • Deploy our updated code to our test instance.
  • Again perform a few quick tests.
  • Update the stack… we’re currently running on the Cedar-14 Stack. This stack is deprecated, with an EOL scheduled for April 2019. We want to upgrade to the Heroku-16 Stack so will perform this upgrade on our test instance and work out any issues before doing so on production.
  • Perform some final testing.

If the above all goes well we can then merge our changes into our master branch and deploy to production!

Notice that the steps above serve to exactly replicate what will be happening on production, i.e. we start with the current production code and data and then apply our changes on top. This should ensure we don’t run into any nasty surprises when we deploy to production.

Let’s get at it!

Deploying our current production code to a test instance

We’ve run thru creating a test instance on Heroku before so this should be familiar, the only difference is that this time we’ll be initially deploying the current production version of the code.

So… we’ll need to grab our code, all our changes have been merged into the 2018-update-and-refactor branch so that’s what we’ll grab from GitHub.

git clone -b  2018-update-and-refactor budget-app
cd budget-app

Since we are first wanting to deploy our current production version of the code we need to switch to our master branch.

git checkout master

And now we need to create our Heroku instance.

heroku create temp-wmcgy -s=cedar-14

Then deploy the code.

git push heroku

After that we need to set-up our database.

heroku run rake db:schema:load

At this point let’s take a quick look and make sure our application loads.

heroku open

Perfect! Now we need to populate our test instance with our production data.

Populating our test instance with the production data

One of the great things about Heroku, is everything is super simple, this is true of exporting and importing data as well. We can use the pg:pull and pg:push commands as per the Heroku documentation.

Grabbing our current production data

We’ll use the pg:pull command to grab our current production data and import it to a local database. The pull command creates the schema locally and populates it with data so we don’t even need to have an existing database schema set-up locally (and actually can’t, the pull command will fail if we attempt to pull into an existing database), we just need to run the command. Let’s do it!

heroku pg:pull DATABASE_URL wmcgyCopyOfProd --app nico44-wmcgy2

So with the above command, the first parameter is simply the DATABASE_URL config setting for our application, the second parameter is the name of the database we will create locally, and the final parameter is our application name on Heroku.

Now to push our local copy of the data to our test Heroku instance, we just need to use the push command.

The push command like pull, expects an empty database, so we first need to reset our database.

heroku pg:reset --confirm temp-wmcgy

And now we can push our data.

heroku pg:push wmcgyCopyOfProd DATABASE_URL --app temp-wmcgy

This command is very similar to the pull command, we specify the local database we’re pulling data from, then the URL of the database we’re pushing to, and finally the application name that we are pushing to.

Let’s open our application.

heroku open

We can now log in with the user credentials that we use on production and sure enough we can see our production data.

We can do a quick test of the application and see that we are getting our production errors such as the issue with the category page.

So let’s deploy our fixes!

Deploying our updated code base to our test instance

First we need to checkout the branch with our fixes.

git checkout 2018-update-and-refactor

Now we need to deploy this branch. We need to use the -f flag to force the unmerged changes up to Heroku.

git push -f heroku 2018-update-and-refactor:master

Remember part of our fixes involved a change to our database schema, so we need to run our migrations.

heroku run rake db:migrate

Now let’s see where we are at.

heroku open

It looks like our changes have been deployed correctly, we can see right from the sign in page, that our Twitter authentication link is gone and our footer is showing the correct date.

At this point we’ll run thru some basic manual testing:

  • Log in as our production user and ensure everything looks good.
  • Verify that our category and delete bugs are fixed.

Since we made changes to our sign up functionality we should test it out as well. We’ll need to set a few environment variables first.

heroku config:set GOOGLE_KEY="10..."
heroku config:set GOOGLE_SECRET="x..."

We’ll also need to add the SendGrid Heroku add-on.

heroku addons:create sendgrid:starter

We can now test the following:

  • Sign up a new user through our custom authentication.
  • Sign up a new user through Google OAuth.

After the above we should test out our registration restriction.

So we’ll set our registration_locked environment variable.

heroku config:set registration_locked="true"

And ensure registrations are locked down.

All the above testing went off without a hitch… so now we can see if we can get off that deprecated stack!

Updating the stack

So we want to move to the Heroku-16 stack, let’s first verify we are on the Cedar-14 stack.

heroku apps:info -a temp-wmcgy

Yup! Upgrading is pretty easy, we just need to set the stack using the Heroku CLI.

heroku stack:set heroku-16 -a temp-wmcgy

In order for the change to take effect, we’ll need to make a new push to Heroku.

We can create an empty commit.

git commit --allow-empty -m "Upgrading to heroku-16"

And then we can push the empty commit to Heroku.

git push -f heroku 2018-update-and-refactor:master

We can verify the stack has been updated by running our info command again.

heroku apps:info -a temp-wmcgy

Looks good!

At this point I did another round of testing.

Having completed that, we are done with our test instance and can remove it.

heroku apps:destroy temp-wmcgy --confirm temp-wmcgy

All our testing has gone well… we are now ready to deploy to production!

Deploying to production

The first thing we want to do is associate our current local directory with our production instance on Heroku. We do this by adding a remote.

Adding our Heroku remote

We can see we only have a single remote currently.

git remote

origin in this case refers to our GitHub repository, let’s add the Heroku remote.

heroku git:remote -a nico44-wmcgy2

We can verify that the remote has been set-up correctly by running heroku config and we should see our production configuration.

heroku config

All good! Next let’s take another backup of our database.

Backing up the production database to a file

We’ve pretty thoroughly tested the process we’re going to be following on production so no surprises should pop up. Just in case however it’s probably a good idea to back up our database prior to making any changes on production. We already have a local instance of our production database but let’s create a dump file so we have our production data in a convenient file format.

This is once again easy to do on Heroku.

heroku pg:backups:capture

heroku pg:backups:download

We don’t want to check the dump file into source control so we’ll move it out of our current directory.

mv latest.dump ..

Right… now time to deploy? Nope! First we need to merge our changes.

Merging our changes to master

Let’s see what happens when we merge our changes.

git checkout master
git merge 2018-update-and-refactor

We get merge conflicts… boo!

If we open our Gemfile and Gemfile.lock files we’ll see the various conflicts.

We just need to select which version of the code we want to use. After we’ve done this with both the Gemfile and Gemfile.lock files we need to commit the changes.

git add .
git commit

At this point we could deploy to production, but are we 100% sure our merged code is correct? It is probably being overly paranoid, but at this point I am going to do another test deploy with the merged code.

Another round of pre-deploy testing.

So let’s get rid of our heroku remote for now as we want to push to a test instance we’ll be creating.

git remote rm heroku

Now we can create a new test instance, I’ll omit any explanations for this section as we’ve done this many times by now. The only thing different this time out is that we are using the heroku-16 stack right off the bat.

heroku create temp-wmcgy -s=heroku-16
git push heroku
heroku pg:push wmcgyCopyOfProd DATABASE_URL --app temp-wmcgy
heroku open

At this point I did another round of testing, everything looked good… so we can once again destroy our test area.

heroku apps:destroy temp-wmcgy --confirm temp-wmcgy

Right… now time to deploy… finally, for real this time!

Performing the deploy

We need to set our production remote again.

heroku git:remote -a nico44-wmcgy2

Now we can push our code to production.

git push heroku

The final step is run our migration.

heroku run rake db:migrate

And now we should be all good.

After a bit of minor testing all looks good, so we can update the stack as we did with our test instance.

heroku stack:set heroku-16 -a nico44-wmcgy2
git commit --allow-empty -m "Upgrading to heroku-16"
git push heroku

We can verify the stack has been updated by running our info command.

heroku apps:info -a nico44-wmcgy2

And I almost forgot, we also want to set our registration_locked variable.

heroku config:set registration_locked="true"

Again a bit of testing confirms all is good… we’re done and dusted! This was quite the effort!

We can wrap up by pushing our merged master branch up to GitHub.

git push


This marks the end of our poorly maintained Rails application series! I must say, I found it pretty fun getting back into some Rails programming. Although not at first as my faulty memory remembered the bundle update command and not the bundle install command… and this bit of oversight resulted in me initially going down a bit of a rabbit hole in terms of getting the code up and running.

So what have I learned along the way?

Lessons learned

  • Doing a bit of refresh reading prior to diving into a technology you haven’t touched for years is a good idea. This would have avoided the aforementioned bundle update/install debacle.
  • A little bit of regular maintenance goes a long way, not only in terms of keeping your application running smoothly, but keeping yourself familiar with the code.
  • Having some automated testing in place is really beneficial and provides a nice security blanket when making changes. Although I also did a fair bit of manual testing, especially prior to deploying to production, having the automated tests added an extra level of confidence.
  • Blogging can be a great source of documentation for future changes to a code base. I feel like if I revisit this application even if it’s years from now, I’ll be able to get up and running much quicker next time out as I have some documentation.

In conclusion

Of course, we still have a pretty out of date application, it’s still using a deprecated version of Rails… so we might want to revisit things at one point and upgrade the application to Rails 4 or 5… or even port it to another technology… but for now, we are done!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this series of posts!

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