Aug 6, 2018

Creating a Twitter Scraper in Elixir - Part 5

At the end of Part 4 we finished parsing all the fields we want to extract from a Tweet. We’re now going to integrate our changes into the Scraper module and look at how to retrieve subsequent pages of Tweets.

I’d encourage you to follow along, but if you want to skip directly to the code, it’s available on GitHub at:

Getting started

If you followed along with part 4 just continue on with the code you created in part 4. If not and you’d rather jump right into part 5, you can use a clone of part 4 as a starting point.

Clone the Repo

If grabbing the code from GitHub instead of continuing along from part 4, the first step is to clone the repo.

git clone -b part-04 twitter_feed
cd twitter_feed
mix deps.get

OK, you’ve either gotten the code from GitHub or are using the existing code you created in Part 4, let’s get to it!

Back to the Scraper

We’ve mostly been working with the Parser module lately; we’re going to switch gears and look at how we can integrate the changes we’ve made into the Scraper module.

Starting with some testing

The first thing we’ll do is update our Scraper tests. If you recall, we currently have pretty sparse testing of the Scraper module and we’re currently not even running one of them.

mix test

So let’s concentrate on that skipped test for now. We’re going to replace the test altogether as currently it really doesn’t do much:

@tag :skip
test "scraping on valid handle will return some body content" do
  body = Scraper.scrape(:any_handle, 0)

  assert body =~ "DOCTYPE"

Instead we will create a test based on the test data we placed in test/data back in part 3, let’s get to it!

defmodule TwitterFeed.ScraperTest do
  use ExUnit.Case, async: true

  alias TwitterFeed.{ Scraper }

  test "scraping on non-existant handle will return 404" do
    {:error, reason} = Scraper.scrape(:non_existant_handle, 0)

    assert reason =~ "404 error, that handle does not exist"

  test "scraping the first page of tweets" do
    tweets = Scraper.scrape("someTwitterHandle", 0)

    assert Enum.count(tweets) == 20
    first_tweet = tweets |> hd()
    assert first_tweet.handle_id == 17055465
    assert first_tweet.tweet_id == 989880547399774209
    assert first_tweet.user_id == 17055465
    assert first_tweet.user_name == "lolagil"
    assert first_tweet.display_name == "lola"
    assert first_tweet.timestamp == "2018-04-27 14:54:48.000Z"
    assert first_tweet.text_summary == "Shed the Clutter @Spoke_Art NY..."
    assert first_tweet.image_url == ""
    assert first_tweet.retweet == false

    last_tweet = tweets |> List.last()
    assert last_tweet.handle_id == 17055465
    assert last_tweet.tweet_id == 948266826315829248
    assert last_tweet.user_id == 3367318323
    assert last_tweet.user_name == "viviunuu"
    assert last_tweet.display_name == "culera"
    assert last_tweet.timestamp == "2018-01-02 18:56:43.000Z"
    assert last_tweet.text_summary == "this is how much i’m striving ..."
    assert last_tweet.image_url == ""
    assert last_tweet.retweet == true

So based on the data in test/data/twitter.html we can reliably set-up our test to expect certain values… and this is exactly what we are doing in the "scraping the first page of tweets" test.

Let’s have a look at the call to Scraper.scrape.

tweets = Scraper.scrape("someTwitterHandle", 0)

The second parameter with a value of 0 indicates we want to process the first page of tweets. The first parameter can be any value as we ignore the handle in our mock:

def get_home_page(_handle) do
  body =

We now have 17 full tests with nothing being skipped.

mix test

Scraping the 2nd page of Tweets

So this works great, how about if we want to retrieve the 2nd page of tweets however? Let’s set up a test for this and see what happens. We’ll create a test similar to what we did for the first page, once again we’ll need to set-up our mock, this time we’ll retrieve the JSON result.

Adding some test data

Based on the data in test/data/twitter.html the last tweet we retrieved had an id of 948759471467118592. So our JSON request for the second page of tweets is going to be:

You can run this in your browser to get the JSON response and move it into the test/data folder, or just download the response I’ve previously retrieved and saved on GitHub:

curl -L -O
mv twitter.json test/data

Adding the JSON call

First off let’s update our API to include a new call to grab the JSON response.

defmodule TwitterFeed.TwitterApi.Api do
  @moduledoc false

  @callback get_home_page(handle :: String.t) :: String.t
  @callback get_tweets(handle :: String.t, last_tweet_retrieved :: Integer.t) :: String.t

We’ve added a get_tweets method that will be used to get the next 20 tweets (recall Twitter sends us back 20 tweets at a time) based on the last tweet we’ve previously retrieved.

We’ll update the concrete implementation.

defmodule TwitterFeed.TwitterApi.HttpClient do
  @moduledoc false

  @behaviour TwitterFeed.TwitterApi.Api

  alias TwitterFeed.TwitterApi.UrlBuilder

  def get_home_page(handle) do
    |> HTTPoison.get()

  def get_tweets(handle, last_tweet_retrieved) do
    UrlBuilder.build_json_url(handle, last_tweet_retrieved)
    |> HTTPoison.get()

Pretty simple, we just call into the UrlBuilder to build the JSON specific URL and then use HTTPoison to make the request.

Our mock is also straight-forward. We just change the extension of the file we’re loading depending on whether we want the JSON or HTML file.

defmodule TwitterFeed.Mocks.TwitterApiMock do
  @behaviour TwitterFeed.TwitterApi.Api

  def get_home_page(:non_existant_handle) do
    {:ok, %{status_code: 404}}

  def get_home_page(_handle) do

  def get_tweets(_handle, _last_tweet_retrieved) do

  defp load_from_file(extension) do
    body =

    {:ok, %{status_code: 200, body: body}}

We’ve also done a bit of refactoring; moving the File consumption code to a private function to reduce code duplication.

Updating the Scraper

Now we just need to update our Scraper code to handle grabbing the second page of tweets. We’re going to start by changing our scrape method to explicitly match our scenarios. So let’s update the current scrape function.

defmodule TwitterFeed.Scraper do
  @moduledoc false

  @twitter_api Application.get_env(:twitter_feed, :twitter_api)

  alias TwitterFeed.Parser

  def scrape(handle, 0) do
    case @twitter_api.get_home_page(handle) do
      {:ok, %{status_code: 200, body: body}} ->
        |> Parser.parse_tweets()
      {:ok, %{status_code: 404}} ->

  defp return_404 do
    {:error, "404 error, that handle does not exist"}

We are now explicitly pattern matching on the scenario where we are requesting the first page of tweets (as 0 is being passed in as the start_after_tweet value). In this case we know we are looking to retrieve the first page of tweets and thus call into get_home_page.

Let’s add a 2nd scrape method that we can use for grabbing subsequent pages. For now we won’t worry about parsing the response, we’ll just return the body of the response.

def scrape(handle, start_after_tweet) do
  case @twitter_api.get_tweets(handle, start_after_tweet) do
    {:ok, %{status_code: 200, body: body}} ->
    {:ok, %{status_code: 404}} ->

Pretty simple, when the 2nd parameter is non-zero we know we want to execute a JSON request so we call into the new API method, get_tweets, to do so.

If we try this in iex we’ll see a JSON response.

iex -S mix
TwitterFeed.get_tweets("lolagil", 948759471467118592)

Looks good, we’re retrieving the JSON as expected.

Next we’re going to want to actually parse the JSON response, similar to what we do with the HTML response… so let’s start by adding a new test.

test "scraping the second page of tweets" do
  tweets = Scraper.scrape("someTwitterHandle", 1234)

  assert Enum.count(tweets) == 19
  first_tweet = tweets |> hd()
  assert first_tweet.handle_id == 17055465
  assert first_tweet.tweet_id == 948736761848565766
  assert first_tweet.user_id == 2189503302
  assert first_tweet.user_name == "NYTMinusContext"
  assert first_tweet.display_name == "NYT Minus Context"
  assert first_tweet.timestamp == "2018-01-04 02:04:05.000Z"
  assert first_tweet.text_summary == "you just have to take people i..."
  assert first_tweet.image_url == ""
  assert first_tweet.retweet == true

  last_tweet = tweets |> List.last()
  assert last_tweet.handle_id == 17055465
  assert last_tweet.tweet_id == 915946122274791425
  assert last_tweet.user_id == 17055465
  assert last_tweet.user_name == "lolagil"
  assert last_tweet.display_name == "lola"
  assert last_tweet.timestamp == "2017-10-05 14:25:47.000Z"
  assert last_tweet.text_summary == "Can NOT wait!!!https://twitter..."
  assert last_tweet.image_url == ""
  assert last_tweet.retweet == false

The values in the test are based on the test/data/twitter.json data.

mix test

If we run the test, it will of course currently fail.

In order to get this test passing we’re going to need to parse the JSON content, and we’ll use a third party library to do so, Poison.

Let’s add it to mix.exs and run mix deps.get to update the dependencies.

defp deps do
    {:excoveralls, "~> 0.8", only: :test},
    {:httpoison, "~> 1.0"},
    {:floki, "~> 0.20.0"},
    {:publicist, "~> 1.1"},
    {:ex_doc, "~> 0.18.0", only: :dev, runtime: false},
    {:poison, "~> 3.1"}
mix deps.get

With that out of the way, let’s update our Scraper method to call into the Parser.

defmodule TwitterFeed.Scraper do
  @moduledoc false

  @twitter_api Application.get_env(:twitter_feed, :twitter_api)

  alias TwitterFeed.Parser

  def scrape(handle, 0) do
    case @twitter_api.get_home_page(handle) do
      {:ok, %{status_code: 200, body: body}} ->
        |> Parser.parse_tweets(:html)
      {:ok, %{status_code: 404}} ->

  def scrape(handle, start_after_tweet) do
    case @twitter_api.get_tweets(handle, start_after_tweet) do
      {:ok, %{status_code: 200, body: body}} ->
        |> Parser.parse_tweets(:json)
      {:ok, %{status_code: 404}} ->

  defp return_404 do
    {:error, "404 error, that handle does not exist"}

So both implementations of scrape now call into the Parser module, and similar to what we did with our mock, we pass in an indication of whether the data is in HTML or JSON format, i.e. Parser.parse_tweets(:html) for our first scrape function and Parser.parse_tweets(:json) for the second.

Now let’s update the Parser. We’ll add a second parse function that will handle the JSON response. Also our first function will change slightly to take in an :html atom indicating we are parsing an HTML response.

def parse_tweets(html, :html) do
  tweet_html =
    |> Floki.find(".tweet"), fn(x) -> parse_tweet(x) end)

def parse_tweets(json, :json) do
  parsed_json =
    |> Poison.Parser.parse!()

  tweet_html =
    |> String.trim()
    |> Floki.find(".tweet"), fn(x) -> parse_tweet(x) end)

Our parse methods take in :html or :json to differentiate them. The format of the JSON response is very similar to the HTML response, the big difference being that the HTML for the tweets is contained in the items_html field of the reponse. So all we need to do is parse out that field and then pass it along to our existing parse_tweet function.

We should now have a passing test.

mix test

If we go into iex we’ll see our second page of tweets being parsed.

iex -S mix
TwitterFeed.get_tweets("lolagil", 948759471467118592)


So with that, we’ve figured out how to grab subsequent pages of tweets. Next time we’ll update the information we are returning to make it easy for applications that are consuming our code to know whether more tweets exist and how to get them.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the post!

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